Any collector once find a couple of objects of which he does not know
how to judge them. That
feeling also exists with a pair of English ice skates made by I. Sorby,
Sheffield. On both platforms the signature of Hermann Göring can be seen
as well as two impressions made with a dry stamp showing the German
eagle with swastika.

Left |

Right |
Hermann Göring (1893-1946)
was born in a upper class family and educated in relatively luxury. He
behaved himself as an adventurous bon vivant and developed autocratic
behaviour. During World War I he was trained a fighting
aviator which skills he used later on as a civil pilot with a
Swedish company. In 1922, he joined the NSDAP of Adolf Hitler, whereupon
a lightning career followed. He gave control to the SA, set up the
Gestapo, put the Luftwaffe on legs, arranged the first concentration
camps and became Hitler's confidant and substitute. After the second
world war he withdrew himself from a condemnation by committing suicide
in October 1946 in a Neurenberg cell.
And the ice skates of this man can be
seen in The
virtual ice Skates museum?!
On the Internet several signatures were found on documents signed by
Hermann Göring. There seems no doubt. Also the stamp impressions are those
of the German Wehrmacht in the Nazi period. But is that sufficient
Nowhere a confirmation could be found that Göring has been a devoted skater. But if
at some moment this should proof true it would not
surprise he posessed a pair of ice skates that were rather peculiar
for that time.
These ice skates are so called
Fen skates.
A model that was
very popular with
English speed
of the 19th century.
They have been made in
the tool factory of
Sorby at Sheffield.

Issac lived around 1800,
but the trademark
was used
by his successors up to approximately 1890, when the company was
As Hermann Göring
was born in 1893,
this would mean
that the ice skates
were already in possession
of the family
or bought second-hand.
If you
obtain any information that
can enlighten the situation, please, get in touch. |