Queennies (from 'the queen's ice skates') were just traditional
Friesland speed skates with
medium high tips and extended runner blades. They have brass foot and
heel plates and luxurious straps with three buckles. They were designed
around 1890 and present the
top of the Friesland model. The intention of the designers was to make
the ultimate speed skate, but unfortunately the serious speed skaters
judged them as too heavy. So, they were sold as top touring skates. When
HM Queen Wilhelmina bought a pair for herself and afterwards an
additional pair for Princess Juliana the manufacturer used this in a
commercial way by calling this model from then on Queennies. The
designer was a mr. Vissering and
therefore the initials of both the designer (V) and the manufacturer (R) were brand marked
in the wooden platform.

The above picture was made December 1916, at the The Hague Ice Club.
At the right we see the then seven years old Princess Juliana at the rod
between HM Queen Wilhelmina and a lady-in-waiting.
This is the model as originally made by Firma G.S. Ruiter, Akkrum.

The platforms have been brand marked:

The brand mark shows
a feathered ice skate
with the initials of both the designer (Vissering) and
the manufacturer (Ruiter)
Technical data:
total length: 40 cm;
height over ice: 3.2 cm; platforms:
30 cm long, 9 cm wide; runner blades :
14 mm tall, 3.5 mm thick;
weight: 530 g
Queennies have been produced over the years. They have been imitated by
several other manufacturers.
For example by the factory of J. Nooitgedagt & Zn, IJlst.

These ice skates were sold
at around 1960 and have stylized tips in the form of a wooden curl.

Technical data:
total length: 41 cm;
height over ice: 3.6 cm;
platform: 29 cm long,
9.5 cm wide;
runner blade:
16 mm tall, 2.6 mm thick;
weight: 420 g