Belgian figure skates, around 1920

Traditional model provided
with elegant button boots (detail
1a). In the blades three marks are visible (details 1b, 1c and 1d). Godfrin
was a Belgian Brussels based company. Unclear is whether the made skates
themselves or had them made elsewhere under their own label. Silver Arrow
and Sheffield Steel give reason to think the last was the case.
Manufacturer: Godfrin, Brussels (B)
details 2, 3 and 4
Technical data:
total length: 28 cm; height over ice: 4 cm ;
platforms: 25 cm long, 6 cm wide;
runner blades: 3.8 cm tall, 4 mm thick;
weight: 745 g
including boot

detail 1

detail 2

detail 3

detail 4 |