a drawing is shown that was made in 1848 by a certain A.v.D. Of interest
are the skates in figures 1, 3 and 4. They have got curled blades that
are not fully covered by wood. A.v.D. stated that these are the main
models at that time in the Netherlands.
The model in figure 1 shows what he calls the Linschoten model. Figure 3
shows the Bergambacht model. Both Linschoten and Bergambacht are names
of villages that in the 17th century laid in the county of Holland. Both
villages must have had famous skate making blacksmiths at that time
because these model names have been used through later ages. Dutch
collectors of ice skates still try to determine the footprints of these
two models in any skate with curled blades the come across. A.v.D.
indicates the skate in figure 3 as being an English model.
The difference between these three models is eminent. All have figure
eight shaped platforms. The Linschoten model has a long neck before the
curl turns up; the Bergambacht model on the contrary has a curl that
rises up after the platform immediately. The English model almost
looks like the Bergambacht model, but is much more compact. It can be
imaged that this model has resulted in the English club skate.

The above is a splendid example of the Linschoten model. Slenderly
upturning curls and violin shaped platforms.

And here the Bergambacht model is shown. The platforms have been violin
shaped as well but the curl rises vast as soon as the blade is no longer
supported by the wood of the platforms. Imagine the curls are bent over
and an ice skate with curled-up blades is born.